Striving consistently to challenge the status-quo, question authority, to defy convention and to step bravely into the unknown corners of the known Universe...
Dale Lotreck grew up in post-Cold War Connecticut. Early jobs included cutting tobacco in the Connecticut River Valley. A two-year stint in the early 80s as a bass player in a Hartford-based punk band gave birth to the “Whiteboy” (No Racism) persona. Escaping the suburban façade, Dale moved to Brooklyn and then to the Lower East Side of New York in 1984. A brief career in Publishing followed, as well as dropping out of Art School. 1988 found Dale leaving his career, and living for several years as a bouncer, bodyguard and cook, spending his days as a T-shirt designer and his nights as notorious graffiti artist, “WHITEBOY LES”. Being up all night and going down the streets he was warned to avoid, Dale found himself facing situations others may not have been aware of, all of which is woven into the tapestry of “Ruby Leaving Texas.” Turmoil led to a hasty marriage and flight to rural north Texas, where the breakdown of Ruby led to the inspiration for “Ruby Leaving Texas.” Dale currently lives in the foothills outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico where he continues to paint and write daily.
My life is a road-trip through the American Southwest...
Before law & order, before gentrification and high rent, before the influx of the tourists and curiosity-seekers when everyone has since lost sight of why we were all there... we roamed the streets by night with spray cans...